samedi 29 août 2020

Who do you get your finanical news from?

Wondering who others follow and/or listen to on this forum for financial news?

Mainstream media (Fox, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc.) have no credibility. They are just propaganda machines for the zombies.

So here are some that I watch when I have the time, typically watch these on youtube.

Peter Schiff - He predicted the 2008 crash, however always ends up pitching his company.

Gerald Celente - Does a show on youtube called Trends in the News. He relays good info, but goes off on tangents now and then.

Max Keiser of the Keiser Report - Has a show on RT. I think he does a good job of breaking down financial news so its easy to understand, and is funny at times. He is a big proponent of BitCoin, which I don't care for.

Truther Never Told/Silver Shield - Guy by the name of Chris Duane does this channel. He is a big proponent of silver coins and has his own line of silver coins. I've learned alot from him by watching his youtube channel.

sgtreport - Sean also does a good job of discussing news on the economy, US Dollar, crypto currencies and gold/silver.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Who do you get your finanical news from?

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