lundi 31 août 2020

Accountability & Responsibility

As I watch the events that have unfolded so far this year I once again find myself asking what happened to personal accountability & responsibility. What happened to the idea of a job well done. To the responsibility of taking care of one's family... Bed um' and leave um' resulting in fatherless children. That goes beyond sad, that is a crime, a epidemic in this country. If a society, any society is to continue to exist, we must be personally accountable. There must be responsibility for one's actions. We must have a pride in one's work...and a responsibility for failure to do so. In yet another discussion I find there seems to be a global migration away from these ideals. This person was not the only one. If it was only one, then it could clearly be a anomaly. Yes, this was someone well traveled. Someone who has seen these things in other countries as well. Yes, I am reflecting on the transition of several decades. A migration that I have witnessed over several decades. Who will hold the criminal accountable? Will we as a society, as a nation, hold the politician accountable? Where is the accountability for anything anymore? We hold no one accountable anymore. Without it I can see only pain and suffering.

Example (and this could be one of many) - We want to hold law enforcement officers accountable (and they should be), but we don't want to hold the perpetrator (doesn't matter black or white) accountable. We seem to want to want to gloss over their actions, that in most cases there was probable cause for the officer to stop that person, or to place that person into custody.
When an officer sees someone they suspect is involved in criminal activity, they are tasked with at a minimum inquiring further, investigating, or placing persons into custody. We don't seem to instill in our children that if they are stopped they should comply. They have the option of not saying anything to the officer, and I don't disagree. The officer then has the responsibility of making a case with what he has, or moving on (put up or shut up). It really doesn't matter skin color. We used to often hear, "well you are profiling". Our response was we are only profiling crime. Personally I didn't care if the person was a d--- blue smurf.
I could make many other examples. Everything from the workplace, to our personal lives. It won't change things clearly. People are going to do what ever they want. It quite sad however.

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Accountability & Responsibility

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