jeudi 15 octobre 2020

Email Censorship????

Here's the story....

I have several siblings, all of us in our 50's to 60's. We are all conservative Republicans.

I am subscribed to many news feeds and when articles strike a tone with me, I share the info with my brothers and sisters and always share the URL link.

We have been doing this back and forth for 3-4 years. Not once did an email from any of us, to family individuals or the family group, find its way to SPAM or be bounced.

Last week I sent an email to my siblings.... an article that referenced a taboo topic on this board in regard to the SCOTUS nominee with the URL. By far it wasn't the first time we have shared such info with each other.

My younger sister's Apple "ME" email address, sent me a bounce message....saying....

"This email has been blocked to the sender."

She is the only one with a ME email address. (Apple)

I immediately called my sister and she confirmed, that she had never received the wasn't even in SPAM. So I sent it to her again, but only to her directly.... not the other siblings. Once again, she did not receive the email... Then I sent it gain, and again, and again.... Finally by the 3rd time it made it to her SPAM and the 4th time to her inbox.

She has promised that she has not changed anything with her security settings.

I just wonder if this is an example of Big Brother Tech, ie. Apple, monitoring her email via Artificial Intelligence and is making the decision to "protect her from certain messaging"?

To me it is one thing to do their censoring of public messaging, like Twitter. But to interrupt the delivery of a private email from a brother to a sister?????


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Email Censorship????

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