lundi 19 octobre 2020

The Opening Salvo In The War On White Men

Interesting hypothesis , and one that would seem to carry quite a degree of validity. I would however put forth the postulation that it was only part of the opening salvo you reference.

One could make a case that the syndrome may have started even earlier than that , various hints of it can be found at the intersection of the Beat Generation with the Hippie Generation and became more evident from there on.

As regard Rob Reiner ( hereafter refered to as " The Whiner) , y'all may note the fact that while he may snivel as regards " White Privilege" he had zero problems with exploiting his " HollyWeird Daddy Privilege" to get ahead , now did he? Without his father having been Carl Reiner would he have ever been anything beyond a second-rate playhouse actor and/or another failed Lounge Comedian?

Examine if you will the transformation of the anti-authoritarian , free spirited , anti-establishment Hippie Left into what they claimed to fear most. I.E. hardline authoritarian Establishment bent on controlling the rank and file citizen from womb to tomb , morphing into a cult of fear and control.

Those who value personal freedom , self responsibility and ownership of ones self and ones actions have in this day and age become " The Radicals". Begging for Mommy Government to tell folks what to do has become the order of the day with the Left , along with exerting totalitarian violence to get the public to comply with their edicts/wishes.

Kerouac is rolling over in his grave , the spirit of Neal Cassaday is running for the horizon.

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The Opening Salvo In The War On White Men

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