vendredi 16 octobre 2020

When can the SCOTUS act?


Originally Posted by Jigglethese View Post
It seems to me that, like any other court, the SC cannot pick random issues to settle. There would have to be a case to make it onto their docket.

The bigger concern is that if we have a a congress and president willing to do this, the Supreme Court would have already been compromised or dismantled in some way. There would be no recourse (peacefully, anyway).

The thing is the SCOTUS is much more long term than the congress and president. The president does a four year term and then can be re-elected for another four years so the president can do a total of eight years before having to retire. As for congress, house members do two year terms and senate members do six years. Although there is no limit as to how many terms they can serve they do have to be re-elected whenever their terms expire in order to stay in congress.

With the SCOTUS on the other hand, once you're in you're in for life or until you retire, you don't have to keep being re-elected or re-appointed after an x number of years in order to stay in SCOTUS. So therefore even if we do end up with an extremely corrupt congress and president, they most likely will not have chosen the current SCOTUS as SCOTUS justices are much more long term.

Anyway, just in case the SCOTUS is compromised as you suggest or of the SCOTUS happens to be corrupt along with the congress and president, that is the purpose of the 2A which identifies the Right To Keep And Bear Arms. With The Right To Keep And Bear Arms, if all else fails the people can revolt and take military action against a corrupt government, it serves as a final check and balance.

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When can the SCOTUS act?

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