jeudi 26 mai 2016

Anyone grow 'Dragon' carrot? Foliage problems...

I've never grown a carrot colored anything but the usual orange but year I've tried 'Dragon' carrot, a red variety. In the past several days I've noticed some burgandy color coming onto the carrot tops here and there.

I spent an hour yesterday searching carrot diseases and foliage problems on the internet as I've never had problems with carrots before. None of the symptoms for Aster Yellows, carrot rust, Alternaria blight or Cercospora blight seem to fit. I also tried finding good descriptions of this carrot but got just the usual pitch about the carrot itself; nothing about any foliage or stem coloration.

I'm wondering if the burgandy tint is just a part of Dragon being a red carrot. There's also a little burgandy tinge to some of the stems. The other three varieties of carrots (orange types) in the same bed have no problems at all.

Photo of the coloration beginning:

Photo of the red tinge in the stems:

Color stems

Any input?

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Anyone grow 'Dragon' carrot? Foliage problems...

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