jeudi 26 mai 2016



Hi people, not sure whether I'm doing this right, but I was recommended to tell something about myself - being new on this site and all. OK here goes. I'm from South Africa, almost 60 years old and very interested in hunting, target shooting (previously competitive service rifle, lately competitive hunting rifle) and prepping for SHTF. In civvy life I'm a dairy scientist, now specializing in training factory personnel in making dairy products (with a measure of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology and dairy science under the belt). I'm quite conservative (for whatever that means to people elsewhere) except when it comes to survival and prepping, although when it come to firearms and other things that can go bang, I'll rather be safe than sorry. I just love my guns (three small calibre centre fire rifles, one medium/big and a lovely - though new replica - muzzle loader in .50, two rimfires - one with a combination 410 shot gun and a 12-guage/bore shotgun, plus a 9mm Para). I reload for all except the shot guns and rimfires. Married, two sons (39 and 28), wife is a school principal. Have a dog (big, aggressive Boerboel) and a lovely cat (pavement special but looks exactly like a Russian Blue). Hope to learn and share with you people. Regards.

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