jeudi 26 mai 2016

Herpes Simplex and Cold Sore Perspectives?

Apparently, we are light years behind other countries on this In English, we differentiate between herpes on the mouth and herpes on the nether regions. Herpes, down there is called "genital herpes". But, herpes on the lips and face are not called herpes at all in English--but are called "cold sores". Herpes Simplex virus caused both of the these maladies. HSV 1 used to primarily affect the lips causing cold sores. HSV 2 used to primary affect the genitals. But, due to the increased prevalence of oral sex we are seeing that both viruses can and do "cross over" and you can get HSV1 on your junk and HSV 2 on your mouth. The two virus types are interchangeable now. It's all just herpes whether it's on your lips or your genitals.

Blame the school system or whatever but I did not know that cold sores and genital herpes were the same virus and that herpes=cold sores until I was 18 or 19 years old reading health books on my own.

Chickenpox and mono are caused by similar viruses in the herpes family but are not "herpes simplex" like cold sores and the genital herp are. Chickenpox and mono are not able to cause genital herpes which is what cold sores can do if someone with a cold sore goes down on you or if a person with a cold sore touches or scratches the sore and then decides masturbate.

Anyhow, I was on Yahoo answers and lurking on some other boards. Some people were saying that they wouldn't date a chick who got cold sores because they didn't want to risk getting that stuff on their penises as genital herpes. Some people just didn't even want to date people who got cold sores because they didn't have them and they did not want to walk around looking like poor Katie Holmes whenever the herp decided to pop out on their mouths.

Did you know that cold sores and genital herpes are the genetically the same virus just relaxing in a different location? Do you feel any differently about cold sores/genital herpes now? Would you date someone who got cold sores or genital herpes?

Here's my perspective: I did not know that herpes caused cold sores until I was a teen. But, I always knew that they were contagious and looked disgusting (no offense to anyone who gets them). I saw whole families walking around with oral herpes. Sometimes whole families had cold sores from kissing each other, sharing food, kissing babies etc. I was always taught not to share drinks, makeup and chapstick. I am not selfish because I'm more than willing to buy you one. I don't go around kissing willy nilly either at parties....I view kissing as a rather intimate act and the person has to mean something to me.

After learning some more about herpes, I got a blood test in March 2016 for the 2 types of herpes simplex viruses. I came back clean for both. Would I date someone with genital or oral herpes? After knowing what I know, probably not unless I could see myself spending the rest of my life with the person. Herpes is forever...what we think of as love often is not. Life brings enough problems and I really don't need any more problems. I don't want to end up with painful oozing blisters on my face or genitals that appear at the worst possible times. Herpes is forever. If there was a cure for it or if it were non contagious, I wouldn't think twice about dating someone with it. I am not heartless (I know that's hard to believe lol )

I have heard that at one point in time, herpes was not considered a big deal. And then I have heard that herpes was a big deal even in the 1970s until AIDS appeared and stole the thunder from all lesser STDS.

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Herpes Simplex and Cold Sore Perspectives?

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