lundi 30 mai 2016

House Votes to Let VA Doctors Recommend Marijuana

As a healthcare professional, I still have a hard time accepting weed as a decent treatment. Especially now since there is more evidence that it mutates DNA and can cause those mutations to be passed on. There is also evidence that it alters brain chemistry permanently.

I can anticipate the response from the pro-pot crowd. That evidence is all a lie. Yeah, ok.

I just have a hard time taking it seriously when most advocates that I know personally claim that smoking a joint "kills" cancer, "cures" MS, "reverses" aging and does myriad other wonders for the human body. They can't just say "it stimulates appetite in cancer patients" or "helps people with glaucoma" or something sensible and true like that. That's not enough. They have to outright claim that it's the wonder cure for everything and accuse you of lies and stupidity if you don't acquiesce to their enlightened wisdom.

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House Votes to Let VA Doctors Recommend Marijuana

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