dimanche 29 mai 2016

Sharpening Questions

Hoping for some guidance for sharpening. Mainly when it comes to knives, axes and other two sided (I don't know if this is the right term) blades. I can do my chainsaw and lawn mower blades, and I think its just because you only do the one side.

When it comes to knives and my axes I just can't seem to get it.

I've used a bench grinder, rod and sand paper. I'm about to order a stone but don't know what I'm looking for. Any recommendations? I'd like to get one off eBay as they have quite a few.

I have researched, read articles, watched videos and I just can't seem to get it. With the experienced people here I figure it makes sense to get some feedback, and I seem to learn better when I can ask questions. I know I should have probably tried a stone by now however I just tried the other ways.

So again, any recommendations on what I'm looking for for a stone? Or, are there other tools I should consider first?

I appreciate any suggestions.

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Sharpening Questions

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