samedi 28 mai 2016

If ATF whistleblowers hadn't spoke Obama's Fast and Furious would have worked

It was such a great plan.

Mexico's President Calderon appears in front of the U.S. congress in 2010 and tells them 'assault weapons' from the U.S. are allowing the drug cartels to wreak havoc in his country:

Calderon says he's worried about the flow of guns from the U.S. to Mexico — and he told lawmakers the violence started to increase in his country soon after an assault-rifle ban expired in the U.S. in 2004.

The Eric Holder justice department, with Obama's blessing (and probably coordination), begins a program to flood Mexico with weapons from American gun dealers. The result?


"See?," leftists say. "Assaults weapons are not only killing Americans, but are responsible for drug violence in Mexico too. We must do something!"

On May 25 Judicial Watch released a report that these guns have been used in 69 murders in Mexico.

But, oops. ATF agents who realize DOJ's Fast and Furious program is not an investigation, but rather an attempt to simply flood Mexico with weapons, came forward after one of these weapons was used to kill a border patrol agent.

Federal agent John Dodson says what he was asked to do was beyond belief.

He was intentionally letting guns go to Mexico?

"Yes ma'am," Dodson told CBS News. "The agency was."

As congress investigates, and Holder is caught in lies during congressional testimony, Obama has to invoke executive privilege to shut down the congressional investigation.

Just a couple mainstream media links are available, which I posted. But this scandal has been extensively reported by conservative news organizations; I'm guessing few of the liberals/progressives/socialists here are even aware of the basic facts of this scandal.

The leftist mainstream media has avoided reporting on this as they are idealogical compatriots of Obama's desire to limit gun rights. But you'd think they'd be be just a bit curious...

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If ATF whistleblowers hadn't spoke Obama's Fast and Furious would have worked

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