mercredi 25 mai 2016

Drugs, why do keep them illegal?

I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on this issue!

I'm not a huge advocate of keeping recreational drugs illegal but I have yet to hear a sensible argument as to why. Here's a few of the arguments, please add to them or correct me

Objection: Some say keep drugs illegal because people get high and then do bad things and break laws.

Answer: As if they aren't already when they are illegal. What about alcohol a far larger problem? Besides getting high in the privacy of peoples homes is a separate issue of committing crimes.

Objection: It's bad for peoples health

Answer: So is smoking, over eating, drinking, not exercising enough. Should we regulate that as well?

If we could learn a thing or two by looking at what prohibition brought to the USA was an increase in consumption of hard liquor, a huge increase of organized crime taking over production and distribution tax free.

We currently have the largest prison population in the world, with about 2.3 million behind bars. More than half a million of those people are incarcerated for a drug law violations of some type. What a waste.

We could also save a whooping 40 plus Billion -$41 billion in enforcing the drug laws. Rather (according to CATO) we could generate +46 Billion in new tax revenues.

If I'm missing something or not fully understanding this issue...PLEASE straighten me out and open my eyes. Thanks OM

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Drugs, why do keep them illegal?

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