lundi 30 mai 2016

"The government's coming to take my _____."

I meant to post this back when I first got my radio.

I see tinfoil hatters talk about "the government" coming to take their *whatever.... (food, guns, tractors, gold.... you name it)

HOW? Logistics aren't there.
Black helos aren't going to circle your house at 2AM unless your REALLY dumb and are a fraction of a % of the populace.

For everyone ELSE it would have to be the local authority.
I've posted a couple times about how I joined the local VFD, they gave me a radio that allows me to listen to just the FD, or dispatch and EVERYTHING in the county (got called out last night, so reminded me to make this post)
Confiscation couldn't happen without communication, so what? Cops I help at traffic accidents and domestics (last night was a unresponsive women due to... pharmaceuticals) are going to get on the radio (that I have access to) and coordinate with each other to come raid the guy who always keeps snacks and drinks in the back of his truck!?!

It's just absurd paranoia, but is a VERY good reason to get involved in. Your local community.
I showed up last night without taking the time to take my gun off. (G23 with light in a OWB VERY overt retention holster. -not the first guy to show up without taking his gun off.)
Nobody said a word.

Join the community, make a difference, and get plugged into the system. Worst case scinario you know what's going on, get training, and have people to rep for you should need be. (I get my milk from the fire chief.)

Let's block ads! (Why?)

"The government's coming to take my _____."

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