lundi 30 mai 2016

relationship status poll

Sorry, I couldn't resist that.

But it really does depend on a lot of things - was it a long simmering, very calm "I have now officially had it" with this "whatever caused the problemS" or was it a hot headed, slam your phone in your pocket and yell "if I don't get pizza twice a week it is over" kind of thing.

And it gets more complicated than that. I can't imagine any two scenarios being the same. There are always nuances and backstories that clear up the little questions on whether one or both would think that was a permanent move.

Personally if someone did that to me, it would be a one way trip out the door for one of us. I am assuming here that there have been problems in the past and reconciliation of your disagreement was futile. Once leaving is brought up it hangs there every time you don't agree on something, the implied threat. And if two people ALWAYS agree on everything, one of them is either dead, doesn't care one way or the other, or is just biding their time.

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relationship status poll

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