mardi 31 mai 2016

Politicians - All Bad?

It is possible to have government without politicians. Monarchy and military rule are two examples, though not the best. The real work of government is done by the agencies and departments, civil servants, and the like. These are not politicians, and usually only the top agency heads are swapped out when politicians come/go from office. I can imagine alot fewer politicians, or a much more minimized role for them.

I have no use for politicians, and agree that they have desire to control others, lie to get elected, big egos, have to appease their monied backers, and have to find ways to dodge accusations (founded or not). And the whole process of campaigning, convincing people, getting expensive media time, etc. Honestly, what sort of person would go into a career like that? Especially since most of them come from upper-class backgrounds with an ivy league education, many are millionaires.

If you could earn any degree you wanted at among the most prestigious universities in the country, and not worry about money -- why not get a PhD in astrobiology and hunt for aliens, cure cancer, or something else fun or beneficial for society?

Take someone like Feinstein, worth about $40 million. If I had that kind of money, I'd have nothing to do with bureaucracy, the gameplaying of campaigns and elections, wasting time in meetings, etc. An ordinary person with that kind of money would be on his pleasure yacht, or hobby farm somewhere extremely scenic, traveling, hobbies, or whatever. Politicians, especially the wealthiest ones, seem to have a bizarre value set.

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Politicians - All Bad?

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