dimanche 28 mai 2017

Merkel - We Europeans must take our destiny into our own hands

That's the best news I've heard today! It's time to cut bait and toss out our globalist "allies" in Western Europe and let them commit suicide with their refugee policies and drown in their immorality.

In my opinion, we should keep the U.K. close and help them get back on track. Some of the nations of Eastern Europe could become reliable allies. It would be worth exploring closer relations with Poland, Hungary, and the Czech and Slovak Republics. They don't have terrorist atrocities in those nations, because unlike the snowflake liberals in Western Europe they don't take in Muslim refugees!

France, Germany, Sweden, and the rest of the libturd socialist states are just a milstone around our neck. It's time to make new friends and new alliances.

Did I mention it would behoove us to explore an alliance with the Russian Federation?

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Merkel - We Europeans must take our destiny into our own hands

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