mercredi 31 mai 2017

Scoop: Trump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal


Originally Posted by zumhugView Post
Yes, clearly this shines a positive light on us.

Truly showing we are no longer a world "leader" when it comes to dictating change.

Well done?

Besides the fact that the Accords were signed by Obama and never submitted to the U.S. Senate...

Under the Agreement, the United States is obligated to undertake “economy-wide absolute emission reduction targets”[5] and provide an unspecified amount of taxpayer dollars “to assist developing country Parties with respect to both mitigation and adaptation.”[6] Commitments to reduce carbon emissions across the U.S. economy and send billions of taxpayer dollars to poor nations “affects the nation as a whole” as opposed to narrow commitments that may best be left to sole executive agreements.

THIS is the problem with so-called solutions to "climate change". The world wants to soak the U.S. taxpayer and have the proceeds shipped off to third world hell holes and dictatorships to get ****ed away.

No thanks. Come back with an agreement that penalizes China, India and the third world just as much as the United States AND stop handing the bill to the U.S. taxpayer. Otherwise, these agreements are nothing more than wealth distribution from successful productive people to a bunch of third world failures.

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Scoop: Trump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal

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