samedi 27 mai 2017

Professor attacks pro-Trump folks


Originally Posted by Woodsman068View Post

She's an idiot obviously but I don't understand why non-commie liberals are going to these "protests". We ALL KNOW the left is violent and lacks rational thinking like a child. We ALL KNOW they will act this way so what point is there in going? We all calmly spoke at the voting booth.

Because we can.??. Problem seems to be that the concept to "PEACEABLY assemble" has been traded in for an excuse to show one's ass. No longer are even passionate discussions allowed. When we don't like what the other side has to say we break out weapons and start a brawl. The left has taken this attitude to a whole new level as of late but to be fair, it's happened on all sides in history.
There should be discussions. If it takes a rally, ok. But for Christ's sake... Discuss! Don't just gather one's gang and set out for a rumble!
I'm not sure the left is able to any longer though, they seem to have regressed to living up to all the things they claim to fight. Hate, violence, discrimination, and even the racist process of history altering. When they will start burning books and lynching people has yet to be seen.

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Professor attacks pro-Trump folks

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