vendredi 23 juin 2017

SKS hillbilly upgrades

Hey yall frum New Zealand. I needed a cheap and reliable pigger so picking up a Norinco type 56 paratrooper seemed a likely choice. It came with a receiver cover rail that looked like it had been installed by a cross-eyed drunk, no matter how much I messed with it, I just couldn't get a good seat, with huge scuz collecting gaps all over. An old school 4x got added and promptly got a clobbering from the tossed brass. Not nearly good enough. Then a dot sight fell into my sticky hands, better but not enough relief for decent both eye use. At this point I'd have rushed out and got a lovely scout2 scope mount but 1 not for sale here and 2 I'm broke, so time to make do. Sat down and played 'what if?' with the receiver cover and discovered it very nearly fitted neatly over the gas tube. A trim of the forestock with a razor blade and it was a satisfing press fit, looking better by the minute. Made 2 shims from a piece of ali to pack the ends over the metal flanges and I had solid fit. Nice! Next was a big shot of silicone that squished out when I pressed the receiver home, then some careful drilling at the ends to sink self tappers into the flanges at each end, pinning the shims and squeezing out more silicone. More self tappers down the sides down low where there is plenty of meat.

Much better! Can't use the rear sight anymore but all the evil things you have ever about Norinco SKS sights are true, so I'm calling it a win.
Then it was instantly obvious that the tall sight mount meant a cheek weld was out of the question, so something had to done. This.

Yup, fugly, no argument but also removable at a later date and once I stretched a neoprene puttee over it...

...much better and infinity more comfortable. Lastly I added half inch thick furniture feet to make the butt a little longer, more suited to my 6 foot frame.

End result? Reliable 3" groups at 50 yards, just fine when distances are routinely half that in heavy scrub. Never had to shoot more than 75 yards ever. Yeah it's a lash up but it works just fine and let's face it, the SKS is the junk yard dawg of the rifle world anyhow, this one spends it's life in the mud and to date has shot 6, one of which needed a solid butt stroking after I ran out of ammo and it tried to bite me. Wasn't a big one, no camp fire story here but was still what I had to hand at the time. Lesson learned, take more bang.

Last edited by Porkastalka; Today at 12:25 AM.. Reason: no photos for some reason...what the hell?

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SKS hillbilly upgrades

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