samedi 7 octobre 2017

How many guns do you need?

I've heard completely asinine comments from liberals the past few days about limiting gun ownership to 1 or 2 guns. They have no idea just how many guns you need, since they all serve so many different purposes. I thought ok... just how many do i need?

I am a hunter and shooter, that dables in competition. I understand we will all have different needs based on where we live and what we use guns for. Here's my list:

Glock 19 for home defense and carry
Glock 43 for CCW backup
AR15 for SHTF
Marlin 3030 for hunting
CZ712 for bird and woods hunting
Ruger 10/22 for small game and plinking
Ruger mk3 for teaching new shooters
Mossberg 500 for home defense
Glock 17 for commpetition

Then at least one additional
Glock 19 because 2 is 1
AR15 because 2 is 1
10/22 because 2 is 1

So thats 12 bear minimum for me. Whats yours?

Now i also need that for the wife and daughter so thats 36 for the house. Guess i need to buy a few more 馃榾

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How many guns do you need?

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