vendredi 20 octobre 2017

Obama rejects "politics of division"


Originally Posted by The WaylanderView Post
Actually not.

The electorate gave him 2 terms.

Had he been allowed to run for a third, he would have undoubtedly won, even against your loud mouth New Yorker.


No, the electorate did not give Obama two terms. The Democratic operatives working at selected predicts did.

They reported illegal vote totals that swung the results. It is not possible to have a vote total that exceeds the number of registered voters. Obama got 120% of the number of people reregistered to vote, and Romney got 0% of the vote in these same precincts.

The successfully pulled off this trick for Bill Clinton in the 1992 and 1996 election, and they got caught red handed cheating in Florida in the 2000 election.

In contrast, democratic candidates at the state and local levels were repeatable rejected at the same time.

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Obama rejects "politics of division"

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