mercredi 18 octobre 2017

west coast earthquake prophecy

Well apparently there are some folks who prophesied a long while back that California and the west coast was going to have a massive earthquake. Now they are saying that the signs that they saw before the quake may be manifesting now. Personally I believe that California's fault lines have been building up for major release for quite some time exactly how big a quake remains to be seen but I also believe that the lord can and will warn those who are tuned to him about any approaching danger so if your a mind too read the article and post any comments.

''Rick Joyner and I were not together at the same time in California in 1989. We both got prophecies, we saw things of a coming earthquake that is beyond anything you can imagine. And I have known that there is an Archangel holding the place together in California. Has California grieved the father so much that He has taken his hand off of California? Then we need to begin to pray for California to where there will be that mercy and that grace.''

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west coast earthquake prophecy

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