lundi 16 octobre 2017

What is it with the Militia?

I played with the CT Organized Militia for a few years after I retired from the military. Mainly I taught dismounted drill and ceremony to them which is a major part of what they do.

Anyway, I repeatedly taught them everything to do at a funeral for a fallen soldier. Tonight, my wife, a member of the Militia, is going to a wake for one. She has done those before, yet, she is all ate up on the proper procedure.

So I give her a crash course on it all again. You'd think she'd have it down pat by now, but she is still confused. I guess a husband can't really teach a wife to do something.

So we run through it one more time. I explained, quite nicely which is a strange thing for me, how to approach the casket, render the salute and then step to the left as in marching and continue on. She immediately panicked. "I don't know how to do that."

I looked at her and at first said, "You were taught that." Then I had a moment and said, "Okay Honey, disregard- here's how you do that."

I had her run through the movement three times. She was more comfortable with the step and movement from it. then she asked what did she do if they wanted her to stand at the coffin as an Honor Guard. We have done together that at least five times.

I told her, "You know what to do. Just follow your training and your heart."

My wife is a 2nd LT in the Militia. She is very well trained. But throw something at her she doesn't do on a regular basis, she melts down. She's afraid she will do something wrong.

I know she has all of the training, I taught it. Heck, I don't think there is many people left in the unit I haven't trained on dismounted drill. Evidently, she doesn't really listen to me. Understandable I guess, it's hard to teach a spouse much of anything.

So, anyway, I asked a retired CPT to teach what I have taught yet again. She'll listen to him.

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What is it with the Militia?

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