vendredi 13 octobre 2017

You can make other people prep:

Finally got time (and energy) to make a post I've been thinking about for the last week or 2:

You CAN make other people prep.... without them knowing.

Side note: you can also prep FOR them. I just put back 5 boxes (100 rounds) of 243 for my preachers kids. ($5/box, reloading dies were too.)
He has a fire team (doesn't know it) of rifle men and women and they all "get their deer" ... while he uses .308 and 30-06 (which I stock) I make sure to find out (in "casual conversation") what people around me use. He buys all his kids .243's.

That's why I kept the mags when I flipped a mini 14 (2 people have them, but only a couple-few mags each.)

I can arm more people than I would give a weapon to, but there's something to be said for "what they know" (and nothing that costs more than a few dollars)

Sorry for the tangent, back on topic.

As I have shared while I do not let on as to quantities or even that I 'prep' I let it be common knowledge that I'm addicted to canning (and I share my canned goods.)

This leads to oppertunity... Last week I taught a couple people how to can. (One knew how to waterbath) we did both waterbath and pressure canning.

I brought a (free to me) turkey I butchered over to one of their houses, and he stuck it in the freezer (I topped mine off) and when we both have time we are going to can it up for him. (15-16lbs of meat ready to eat isn't much, but it starts to add up, I've also pushed canning "old meat" in the freezer before it gets freezer burned.... and if done in winter with tattler lids it costs nothing.)

The preachers wife and I talk baking and canning, and (what prompted this post) I've converted her to a Tattler lid user.

There's a few others I got interested, or already had a few.

So what I do:
I always check cragslist in addition to thrift stores and pawn shops.
Didn't have to go a mile out of my way to pick up boxes of Tattler lids for $5 #12. (Normal price $12/box of 12)

I then divided them by the people interested.
#48 lids (per person or family) isn't great, but it's SOMETHING.... and I'm going to keep doing it. (I have 3,000 lids, but I want people to have their OWN!)

...people around here particularly are used to scraping by.
As such they find it hard to "say no" to deals.

So, when I come around with (free for a little work) fruit, vegies, and meat.... they put it up.

When I'm at the odd lots store and see pork @ $0.69/lb, or pork chops $1/#1 etc (in bulk) I offer to "pick them up some too"

They call me: "The seafood bootlegger" as I bring coolers full when I come back from the gulf coast.

Next year I'm getting several families together (harvest allowing) and we are making pear cider together. (Building community and everyone takes home cider and pear sauce.... which will be canned and put back.)

I have been called upon several times to "talk wives/husbands/fatgers/sisters/etc into prepping"
That's NEVER what I do.

What I do is focus on the financial and self funding aspects of prepping.
It's damned hard to argue with buying 1/2 cow at a time saving you money AND getting you a better quality of food.

But with neighbors I just go: "I found X deal, do you want me to get you some too?"

They don't realize it, but over the last year they have found themselves with "extra put back" and it's just going to continue.

I've even got a couple (those who don't have them already) looking at farm tanks "to avoid paying more when gas goes up" (which I failed to do and need to get myself.

So long as you "set it up right" you can take them by the hand and not only lead them to water, but make them drink.

I "traded" another buddy (Army combat vet) an AR for some work.
He would of spent money, has mags, this way I don't have to give him one for free (and spent that money elsewhere.) If/when needed, and I can just hand him ammo.

Try looking around and see how you can "make others prep", as a bonus it promotes community building.

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You can make other people prep:

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