jeudi 25 janvier 2018

Does dehydrating at home with electricity make sense?

A few years ago I wanted to get into dehydration for long term food storage.

However, electric dehydrators seemed logistically impractical as it appeared to me they use a lot of electricity to preserve a small amount of food..and if that was the case then it seemed better to just save that money to buy shelf stable food directly and save the time, space etc. of doing it yourself.

And since it would become useless post SHTF it doesn't seem like a wise or sustainable food storage method unless you are specifically trying to reduce the weight of your food.

I tried to build a solar dehydrator but sun and heat are in short supply most of the year and I ended up using it as a smoker instead.

But...the idea of making my own dry foods still appeals to me so I thought I would revisit the idea.

I'm sure someone here has worked out the logistics of does it make sense as a prep if your bugging in or is another hobby that consumes more money and time than it saves?

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Does dehydrating at home with electricity make sense?

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