mercredi 24 janvier 2018

U.S. Foundation Controversy

Why do people seem to get angry if I point out that our country was not, as most people seem to think, founded on the Christian religion, most of the founding Fathers being deists rather than Christians, and the US. being formed as a secular nation? This statement does, in no way, run down Christianity or any other U.S. religion. But, it seems that since the Trump election and the rise of the evangelical Christian right in American politics, these facts have become the center of American anxiety.

And why does there seem to be more hatred toward minorities and people in political parties? On this site democrats seem to be the lowest of all scumbags but any Trump supporter is like a god? Personally I think that Republican politicians like money, power, and notoriety just as much as do the Democrats, and both will lie, cheat, and steel to get there. There may be a few good ones somewhere in the lot, but hearing them on TV, I don't see many. Looking back on history, little appears to change regardless of which party is in power. This nation becomes stronger militarily as the great American Empire expands, leaving the super rich is power and in control..

I hear people talking about "draining the swamp" by eliminating most of the millions of federal jobs. If we did that then who would feed those millions with no jobs? If they couldn't feed themselves, would they riot and then be killed by NRA members? It took years for our government to be so big that we are in the trouble we are currently in. Do you think it would work to just cut back all at once? And if the super rich, the controllers of this country, wanted to eliminate the masses, could there be a better way than by having the populace kill each other off?

Sounds like real trouble on the American horizon to me. What do you think?

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U.S. Foundation Controversy

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