jeudi 25 janvier 2018

STAYING warm your take on multiple heat sources

OK to tell the story, a coworker had a problem the other day.
The home she lives in is a 120 year old Adobe. So when this thing was built, there were NO gas lines or electrical systems in place. it was all still wood stoves etc.

Well one day many moons ago, someone put gas lines, water, septic, electrical etc. Except, they didn't do anything to code. So the gas lines were only 13 inches below grade, and the water line literally just below it in the same trench. So a gas leak started and they could smell the sulpher. After calling the Gas company, they pulled the meter and told them they would have to bring everything to code. In the mean time, they were without gas heat and hot water, but had space heaters.

So this reinforced to me the need to have multiple "analog" type systems in place like a wood fired stove and/or cook stove. Multiple ways to either heat water or have a non-dependent system like Solar or heated by wood stove or such.

What your take?

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STAYING warm your take on multiple heat sources

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