mercredi 24 janvier 2018

I've lost 3 friends in the last 5 months

I placed this in the health and fitness section as I think it's relevant here.

My first (and very closest friend) to die was a member here "Bigfootdriver" he was 59. He flew a Boeing 777 and near the end, a Boeing 787. He was fit and thin, near vegan, exercised regularly, passed the FAA's first class medical and so on. However, he knew he had heart problems and casually mentioned to all of us that his time was short. He died of a massive heart attack, while riding his Triumph motorcycle, with full gear on a perfect TN backroad. The witness behind him, saw him slump over on to the handlebars and ride straight off the road at 45mph. They found him dead lying in the grass without a scratch on him.

The second friend died last week. Another healthy/fit guy in excellent shape, 57 years old. He drove a small car, a Kia and was hit by a city bus at relatively low speed. The crash was not that serious, but his car was very small and the bus did it's thing, his son survived. Nobody on the bus was hurt. What's weird is that he was a very sharp guy and would never have run the stop sign that led to the crash. He knew the sign was there as he drove that route 5x/week. He was not texting or on the phone. He simply failed to stop for the sign and drove right into the "T" intersection without turning left or right.

Yesterday morning my neighbor and flying friend was found dead in bed, 68 years old. He was not all that healthy, and did little to keep himself in shape.

I have MCTD and I'm not feeling all that well either. It hurts to lose friends and it puts my risk factors front and center. Being a man comes with high risk of early death.

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I've lost 3 friends in the last 5 months

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