mercredi 24 janvier 2018

My uncle + family going to South Africa

My uncle is only 5 years my senior and is more like an older brother. We havent lived near eachother for over 20 years but family is family. Anyway..he is the type of guy who lives with blinders on...I love him as blood and kin but I just cant believe how naive he is. He's the kind of guy who thinks the mass forced immigration on europe is a good thing...and now unfortunately he has the bright idea of bringing his wife and 3 year old daughter + I think sister or brother in law + kids and other uncle to freakin SOUTH AFRICA.

As most of you are aware SA is a complete **** hole. it has a very blood history that continues its trail of blood to this day. youve heard it all, the secured gated communities, electric fences, armed guards, lots of murders and robberies and home invasions, blablabla all the bad stuff. Well SA just announced an official drought as well on top of it. This has the certain chances of going into fullblown post apocaplyptic world very fast out there. I dont understand why he would put his family in such an unneeded situation? A person with no family or a younger dude going on adventures with his buddies is one thing, but flying into a 3rd world country with alot of civil unrest + crime + drought now etc. Why would someone do this? I just pray he doesn't go. I havent even said anything to him, he knows the situation.

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My uncle + family going to South Africa

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