dimanche 28 janvier 2018

Nudging. How the politicos are controlling you

So some time back I received a flyer in the mail from Harvard Kennedy School.
I received this flyer because someone had mixed my name and work position (I am a supervisor) and sent to me in the mail to my home address a proposition letter to attend a school class on "Applying Behavioral Insights to the Design of Public Policy "

Also known as "Nudging"

Now why is this a big deal?
Does anyone remember BO signing an executive order instructing the Gov. to use Behavioral Science to persuade the public?"


Behavioral insights and public policy: Can the former be used to craft solutions for the latter?
Traditionally, many government policies are designed on the basis of how people should behave and an assumption that this behavioral is rational. Yet both individuals and organizations make many decisions that systematically depart from what is rational. The result? Policies that are ineffective or even backfire.
But using insights gleaned from behavioral economics, psychology and other social sciences, you can craft better policies that have more successful outcomes.
Better Public Policy from Behavioral Insights
Led by a renowned group of scholars and practitioners working in this rapidly expanding field, this program will introduce you to cutting-edge research from various social science disciplines and how these can be used to build more effective policies. You will examine how behavioral insights can inform the development of nontraditional policy tools and why these can be more impactful and cost-effective than traditional policy tools.

OK, well this is the class that teaches this concept to future leaders and gov. officials.

The intent is to "Nudge" people into accepting political policy even when they don't want it.

It was an offshoot of the resistance to the ACA and to the head of the NHS who told us in 2009 that we "Had" to get a shot.

Why should you care?

Because this is the subtle art of getting the people to give up their liberties and freedoms and make them look forward to it.

For those interested, you should read upon the concept.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Nudging. How the politicos are controlling you

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