samedi 27 janvier 2018

What do you do when you cannot stop throwing up?

Short answer, I go to the hospital and get plugged in, sometimes for two full liters!

I have looked and searched and have not found any real answers other than get medical attention. When I say throwing up, I mean hours, into days (I can last 1-2 days) of retching every few minutes. Nothing stays down, nothing. Forget sleeping. I have tried suppositories of Tigan which did nothing, pills come back up and dissolving anything under the tongue brings on retching. It happens with migraines and the stomach bug.

Any time I have had an IV it included drugs. If drugs are not available, then what? Does rehydrating help stop nausea? How does one stop the retching (dry heaves)? Is it an electrolyte imbalance that causes the heaves? I am hoping someone has had this topic covered in some field courses. I sure am not finding answers.

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What do you do when you cannot stop throwing up?

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