jeudi 25 janvier 2018

Salad Bar Peppers

This is a two part question. It is that time of year to shovel out from under all of the seed catalogs, but I do look forward to warmer weather and getting back in the garden. I have even gotten my grandson, who is 5, going through his catalogs, driving my son crazy being asked how much longer to plant their garden.

Now, back to the questions. What variety of pepper seed do I need to order and what canning recipe do I use? I am looking for the type and canning recipe for the peppers that I used to more common on the salad bars. They were more of a ball shape, green ones and red ones, with the stems still attached. They were not the yellow, narrow variety, which often is served with pizzas. They were not overly hot, again not as much so as the yellow, narrow type.

The closest I have came is a miniature bell pepper, canned in a dilly bean recipe. When I first canned this combination, I was not too crazy with the results, but after they set for several months, they have gotten much better. Still, not really the final result that I am looking for.

I have looked for several years, for a copycat recipe, with no success, so any help would be very much appreciated.

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Salad Bar Peppers

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