dimanche 24 mars 2019

Had my Glock Armorers Course yesterday, learned a couple things.

It was pretty neat.

Basically they explain how to Glock works, differences in models and then you completely dissasemble it and put it back together. Not all that complicated but it was clear that most people in the class had never done it before. A couple struggled a bit with field stripping it even, and these were mostly cops.
Very well explained, well prepared. at least one guy had the spring cups fly across the room. A guy was ready with a case full of parts and they didnt bother looking for them.

I cant say I learned a lot but I did pick up a couple tips, such as check that the end of the striker spring isnt aligned where the cups meet, move the slide release back and forth, it should move about 1mm if correctly in place. Also check that the trigger spring is in an "S" possition (already knew that) but alos check after putting it back in place that it doesnt go sideways and is aligned with the notch.

I also got a goodie bag with some nice Glock stuff (cap, pen, glock tool, glock mat) and got to meet some people.

Anyway, I'd say it was worth it.

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Had my Glock Armorers Course yesterday, learned a couple things.

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