samedi 2 mars 2019

Looking up chill hours

I used the following sites get chills hours and to find weather stations near me and got very different results.

The problem is that some of the stations, especially those run by private people seem to be a lot less than those from a local high school and outlying naval airfield. I will go with the those from school and airfield as being better. If anything since I am in a small valley I am normally a little colder in the morning.


Pace High school KFLPACE11 Below 45 Model: 599 chill hours
Between 45 and 32 Model: 577 chill hours
Utah Model: -64 chill units
Positive Utah Model: 912 chill units
Dynamic Model: 38 chill portions

Spencer field KFLMILTO58 Below 45 Model: 680 chill hours
Between 45 and 32 Model: 584 chill hours
Utah Model: -71 chill units
Positive Utah Model: 816 chill units
Dynamic Model: 34 chill portions

Woodbine HIlls subdivision nearer woodbine rd
KFLMILTO101 Below 45 Model: 320 chill hours
Between 45 and 32 Model: 295 chill hours
Utah Model: -230 chill units
Positive Utah Model: 390 chill units
Dynamic Model: 14 chill portions

KFLMILTO87 Woodbine springs in the back
Below 45 Model: 381 chill hours
Between 45 and 32 Model: 381 chill hours
Utah Model: -367 chill units
Positive Utah Model: 784 chill units
Dynamic Model: 33 chill portiono

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Looking up chill hours

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