dimanche 24 mars 2019

Nice things about your neighbors

I live in apartment building that was buit in 1977. This floor has 5 apartments, two of them have people who moved in 1977. I've lived here about 18 years and so far I have no plans to leave.

When I moved in, 2001, the lady next door told me she doesn't care if I make any noise since she is almost deaf anyways. I think it was last summer, 17 years later when I was really sick for couple weeks (flu, bad cough) and I encountered her, she asked if I've been ill lately... So yea, some sounds do go thru walls :D

In real life, I don't really hear anything from anyone. I do know people in the apartment directly below me can cook something that smells delicious tho.

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Nice things about your neighbors

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