vendredi 1 mars 2019

Trump Supporters Only: Should Trump Supporters Form Their Own Political Party?


Originally Posted by ACME_MAN View Post

Looking down the line for a time when Trump may no longer be in office for one reason or another, do you think Trump supporters should continue to work within and try to seize control of the Republican Party or do you think they should form their own party? I think they should form their own party. What say you?

We are a republic. If a party requires every candidate of that party to walk in lockstep on every issue only the party willing to give the majority everything they want will win. Or the party will never win.

Parties write platform by a consensus of a committee and adopt by a consensus of delegates. That seldom matches the consensus of the majority of voters.

We have a ton of conservatives in SC too ignorant to understand this. The truth is I am more conservative then they are as is the majority yet they insist anyone that does not walk their lockstep is a RINO. Yet most of them have voted outside the party (e.g. Libertarian) at some point. So by definition who is a RINO. (Please remember a person believing in true libertarian philosophy does not believe in participating in government. Why? Because by their very nature governments of any kind must as some point force someone do do something against their will.)

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Trump Supporters Only: Should Trump Supporters Form Their Own Political Party?

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