vendredi 8 mars 2019

What is Cultural Marxism?

Cultural marxism is the next spin of economic marxism. Both are founded on the sin of coveting.

Economic marxism seeks to exploit man's covertness nature of the have nots with the have's. Trouble with this is, once you give a man a decent job, Economic marxism loses all its appeal.

Cultural marxism seeks to exploit man's covertness nature regarding social status, the "privilege" that comes from being the MAJORITY demographic. This sinful appeal naturally lead into "intersectionality," whereby each minority demographic is hyphenated with another in an endless series of DIVISION. For instance women, then Black-women, then lesbian-Black-women, then transgender-lesbian-Black-women.

Because of this endless DIVISION Cultural marxism is inherently and inevitably cannibalistic and like democracy itself is doomed to die in convulsions of chaos and violence. See women groups opposing transgenders.

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What is Cultural Marxism?

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