samedi 9 mars 2019

Your prayer closet, where is yours?

(Matt 6:6) But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private.

I have noticed over the past 8-10 years, the older I get the more time I need alone with God. Like a battery charger, I simply need to get plugged into Big Dad. Feels like I often find myself at 2% and barely hanging on at times.

Myself and wife pray together twice a day and I have those small prayers multiple times during the day like most of you but those long talks and quality time I find myself craving more and more.

For some odd reason, my long quality times happens in my car. Often I'll whisper to God and say "we need to talk" and 100...yes, 100% of the time something happens where a reasonable long/short drive is required of me. Usually a work-related issue or Church/family business of 2-4 hours.

I was curious about you guys, where is your prayer closet and how does it work for you?

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Your prayer closet, where is yours?

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