jeudi 25 juin 2020

Carly Fiorina Says She Intends to Vote for Joe Biden


“I’ve been very clear that I can’t support Donald Trump,” Fiorina said in the interview. “And elections are binary choices.”

“As citizens, our vote is more than a check on a box,” Fiorina continued. “You know, it’s a statement about where we want to go, and I think what we need now actually is real leadership that can unify the country. I am encouraged that Joe Biden is a person of humility and empathy and character. I think he’s demonstrated that through his life.”

This kind of claptrap from a previous Republican presidential contender and VP selection of Ted Cruz. These people can't get beyond their personal dislike for Trump and vote for what's best for the country. For her to say Joe Biden is a person of humility, empathy and character speaks volumes about her humility, empathy and character. If Biden gets in, women's rights will go down the tube, leftest progressive judges will be appointed, XXXXX will continue from PP, the border will be porous, More BLM and so on and on. She is not a republican conservative, she is a RINO. Part of the swamp.

These generals, republicans, former Trump administration people and such that say they support Biden don't love the America I Love regardless of their service to it.

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Carly Fiorina Says She Intends to Vote for Joe Biden

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