samedi 27 juin 2020

Do you Check Your Carry gun Every Day?

Greetings Internetiers.

I just got off the phone with a friend and former coworker, after he had a bit of a close call. This morning he was forced to pull his carry gun in self defense, which fortunately did not require firing any shots.

After making the appropriate reports and such, he was at home and decided to field strip his EDC to clean and oil it, since he hadn't for a while. Well, when he went to clear it, he discovered that there was no round in the chamber. For some, this may not be abnormal, but for him it is. His pistol is an SR1911, which he keeps "cocked and locked."

So I just want to remind everyone to check their carry gun before strapping it on in the morning, because things happen, and there's nothing worse than hearing a click when you need a bang.

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Do you Check Your Carry gun Every Day?

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