lundi 29 juin 2020

The Old America Is Dead/Interesting Read

The breakup, indeed, is underway. Blue states and Leftist kritarchs nullify laws they don’t like. Sanctuary cities and even sanctuary states defy immigration laws. Meanwhile, American patriots have answered with Second Amendment sanctuarycounties and even states. Americans in inland California talk of seceding from the “Left coast.” The Left has floated secession talk as well: anarchists have seized and established their own “autonomous zone” in Seattle. West Virginia’s governor, Jim Justice, invited conservative counties in Virginia to secede and join the Mountain State. [West Virginia Republicans encourage conservative Virginia counties to ‘Vexit’ by Kelly Mena, CNN, Sun February 9, 2020] .

I can't comment at that site. Yes, we have had little breakup as was mentioned above from the article, but nothing substantial. I'd like to live in the Republican States of America. Don't see it happening. Plus how could we get together for self-defense of the country? The dem states may go with Mehico or China. Just no scenario to extreme for dems. Pretty soon we will be all on the same wavelength. Dems are set to take control of D.C. and the USA.

...Trump has been, at best, a speedbump, not a roadblock, in the Blob’s path.

Yes, every time he tried the left sued him. Mehico controls CA, we sold it off for cheap labor. Mehico is taking over TX. CA, TX and NYC can control the vote in the USA along with the other dem extremists states of the USA.

Now you hear lots of talk of Trump pulling out before November as he does not want to lose and knows he can't win. You hear this even from rep sites. I would not be surprised if he waited until near election to pull out. What a mess that would be. But it may be all talk. Either way I'm under no delusion Trump can turn America around. Trump just slows the train wreck.

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The Old America Is Dead/Interesting Read

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