dimanche 28 juin 2020

Patriarch Kirill Speaks in Favor of Anti-Liberal Referendum on Russia's Constitution

Every day it seems like we in the United States are losing ground to the left's assault on G-d, abominations like homosexual marriage, etc. On the other hand, Russia continues its movement away from socialism and the leftist narrative toward a decent and G-d fearing society.

This week Russia held a referendum on changes to its Constitution. In this video Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All the Russias, casts his vote for the anti-liberal changes and speaks on why these changes are good for the people of Russia.

One of the changes is that G-d will be mentioned in the Constitution for the first time since the Bolshevik Revolution. Marriage will be spelled out and defined as between one MAN and one WOMAN. The purpose of the new Constitution is to reestablish the connection to the 1,000 year history of Russia which was interrupted for seven decades by Bolshevism.

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Patriarch Kirill Speaks in Favor of Anti-Liberal Referendum on Russia's Constitution

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