mercredi 24 juin 2020

HAS the time come...for really, I mean really special units to be formed

WITH ALL those sanctuary cities and hand wringing Libertards giving aid and comfort to the enemy
is it time for the gov to get involved with the solutions many countries have used for years.

Other countries have/had death squads, I have nothing that extreme in mind, but with those radical totally lawless people running amok and the extreme left Democraaps protecting them at every step, for whatever reasons no one in their right mind can fathom...

But, say there were squads of specialists who would move in, people blink and they are gone and so is the leader... to an unknown offshore destination where held incommunicado until everything settles down. Cut off the head, the snake dies. While there are thousands rallying to the leaders, the real leaders are few in numbers. and without them, no one will want to be the next one to disappear. We do this with terrorists in foreign lands, a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist.

This could all be done legally under various treason and sedition acts plus an executive order or two.
It WILL save lives in the long run.

All we need are the balls to do it.

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HAS the time come...for really, I mean really special units to be formed

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