mardi 30 juin 2020

If You Support Democrats You Support Mass Murder

Given the climate of ridiculous extrapolation we find ourselves these days, I've come to the conclusion that if you support the Democratic party and its Maoist/Marxist bent you support MASS Murder akin to the horrors achieved by; Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Mao, Castro and the rest of the gang. There is no gray area here.

I want to start seeing conservatives hitting hard with this truth !!!! They are condoning mass collectivization and centralized enslavement of the entire world populace.

Resident Commies, what is your response. I guess you have no issue with over 100,000,000 World Citizens murdered in the last century by your sacred religion of State run fascism. Come on pinkos, I want to hear your tortured answers.

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If You Support Democrats You Support Mass Murder

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