lundi 29 juin 2020

Liberals/progressives/socialists getting what they deserve?

I realize that some normal Americans, due to work and family obligations and other issues, sometimes find themselves living in a Democratic Party-controlled urban area. I feel for these folks, and truly hope they find a way out.

These urban armpits – which day by day are fast becoming more like a third world ****hole rather than American cities – have become thug central, where leftists of all stripes are looting, burning stuff down, attacking police officers and generally making life miserable for those normal Americans in their midst.

But normal American aside, don't the liberals/progressives/socialists who infest these Democratic Party-controlled urban areas deserve what they're getting?

These leftists vote in even more strident leftists, they put them in charge of their counties and cities and they make them prosecutors and city council members.

They support failed leftist policies that have turned what were once thriving cities into the blatant messes they are today.

Leftists and the Democratic Party have had an iron grip on these urban areas for decades. and as they become even more leftist, they seem to double down on their nonsensical policies.

Those of us in rural areas and red states watch in disbelief as these blue cities begin to crumble. My only fear is these leftist thugs, after they eat there own, will decide to flee to our normal America.

Indeed, perhaps it's time for a wall, but not just on the U.S./Mexican border...

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Liberals/progressives/socialists getting what they deserve?

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