vendredi 26 juin 2020

Updated predictions. Second lockdown imminent.

I predicted this on March 12:


Originally Posted by GunGourd View Post
After the events of yesterday, I have upgraded my estimation of this event's impact. It will surpass 9/11 and will probably get close to depression/ww2 levels. As far as impact. People will lose jobs. The world will be very different afterwards. Business will never be run the same way again.

Before yesterday I was pretty confident that while we would see some containment measures, that the overall impact would be slight. I obviously still prepared for the worst case scenario - being contained in my house with no outside contact for at least a month.

I am at 99% certainty that we will see a very draconian quarantine in at least one state. 100% certainty that we will see a large number of lax quarantines in almost all states. I am at 51% certainty that I will personally be put under a containment measure spanning at least 2 weeks. And after last night's address I am at 60% certainty that there will be some sort of run on the banks. There's a reason why Trump brought up the capitalization of the banks.

I did pretty good, all were correct except the bank run. (So far.)

All: Remove all optimism you have. This is far far worse than even I predicted.

In person I have been predicting a second wave and second lockdown since February/March. I predicted it would occur at the earliest in November and probably by next February. I based this off of the historical model for the 1918 swine flu.

I was too optimistic.

There is a 90% certainty that most states will enter a second lockdown. There is a 99% certainty that the latest this will be is September. I am moving the date forward daily. I am 51% certain this will now occur at the end of July. I am 100% certain the lockdowns will be more draconian than prior lockdowns. For states that did not have lockdowns, I am 100% certain that all but one will have their first lockdown in this same period. I am 60% certain that most people will recognize within two weeks from now. I am 95% certain that the markets will crash beginning in two weeks and the bottom will occur within 6 months. I am 100% certain that many historically strong companies will disappear, including many restaurants and airlines. I am 95% certain that movie theaters are not going to come back.

Despite the supply chain being heavily modified, I am 90% certain there will be even worse runs on food and other products that were snapped up earlier. These will begin at the latest in one month, and I am at 60% certainty it will be within two weeks. I am 100% certain that the majority of states will reach capacity at most of their hospitals within two months. I am 75% certain that most states and urban areas will experience significant unrest and lawlessness within 4 months. If you think we are experiencing significant unrest or lawlessness now, in 4 months this period of time will look extremely peaceful. I am 90% certain that there will be some prohibitions on interstate travel within 4 months. I do not mean the suggested or mandatory quarantine periods that are in place in some parts. I mean outright bans. I believe there is a 40% chance that there will be a complete prohibition on interstate travel between the vast majority of states within 8 months.

All above predictions are regardless of who wins the election.

There will be no vaccine.

Stock up. Load up. Even more than you already are.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Updated predictions. Second lockdown imminent.

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