lundi 17 août 2020

aliens don't exist. Fundamental Physics.

I'm talking about Fundamental Physics, but Not about Alternative.
Imagine that Someone on Earth has invented a "hole in space" (hyperspace is not prohibited by Fundamental Physics).
We want to get to the stars, where there might be intelligent life ....
It's at least 5 million light years.
Astronauts jump into this "hole":
- instantly cover 5 million light years and reach the Star
- smoke cigarettes in 5 minutes
- instantly cover 5 million light years and return to Earth ...

now the question.
How long will it take?
Answer (based on Einstein's Special Theory, Fundamental Physics)
- for astronauts it will take 5 minutes.
- for the inhabitants of the Earth - 5 + 5 million years + min.
all people on Earth will die and civilization will perish ...

now imagine that aggressive aliens live within 5 million light years,
and they want to accumulate the Earth?
But their civilization will also perish in 5 million years, until their landing party returns from Earth.
Why do aliens need problems?
this means that aliens do not exist.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

aliens don't exist. Fundamental Physics.

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