jeudi 13 août 2020


Civilization and an Honor System
Written in August of 1968 (an old article resurrected)

Those words sound trusting, and it rings with a normalcy that most people who live in a civilized society accept. Nevertheless, is it normal to live under rules that go contrary to a man’s innermost beliefs? Allow me to expand the idea.

Honor is a deep-seated feeling of who we are, where we come from, and how we as people with principals go about our daily lives. Most of us cherish the fact that we are honorable men and women and we try to teach our children those values. That is, most of us try to impart an honor system to our young.

A Civilized Society is simply an invention of man to further his means. He discovered it was easier to live together in a semi-harmonious togetherness than to be separate, broken up into tribes that warred among each other constantly, and it was a violent existence.

Long ago, humankind discovered that living in a civilized society had many benefits, but it also had a down side because with all compromises there are the things one has to give up in order to reap the benefits of what they are trading for, and are at times, seemingly fruitless. One of the things we lose by accepting society living is that we relinquish, or it gets repressed very deep down inside of us, that one single characteristic that makes us what we really are; the most cunning, vicious killer that has ever walked the planet. Many human beings are killers, and our ancestors were a lot more so than we are today. Mankind also maintained those beliefs with a code which was considered honorable, they made lying, cheating, stealing, murder, rape, arson and treason punishable crimes, the worst of the worst so to speak.

Long before humankind discovered civilized living, man was the hunter-gatherer and he mostly lived from eating roots, bushes, and berries. Occasionally, meat. Like all living things, he was constantly confronted with violence or exposed to it in one manner or another, and it was usually a fight to the death. Man had one ever-present genetic gene that dominated all that he did and would ever do and that was, he fought for what he wanted, and sometimes died, but he was a killer through and through. When he had all the land, he needed he went to war with his neighbor to get more.

A crack in a boulder is penetrated with a seed. It grows unmolested, sheltered in that dark and safe place. As it grows, the rock will ultimately be split in two. The rock did not seek the confrontation of the seed and what it would eventually bring with it. However, the seed would continue to grow and bring with it a slow but eventual destruction breaking the rock apart. That is what has been brought to America by people fleeing tyranny. They brought with them a seed that penetrated the very base of what America represented to the rest of the world and the destruction appears to be inevitable. Communism is the seed of destruction for any civilization penetrated.

In the days of Chivalry, the rich owned the weapons; they owned the land and the common person served them. When it was time to answer the call in defense of his country, he willing went into battle under his King, and took the brunt of the battle. The common man stayed behind with the baggage. That is how it should be. Those who have the most to lose should be at the front of the battle and those who have the least to lose are behind tending the animals and sharpening the swords for the warriors. Honor for the Nobles was a virtue in its time, and they were justly rewarded.

The Crusades ensued and the Nobles went away, and the commoners stayed behind and did what they do best, they continued to breed. One day the Nobles looked around and the common man began to make rules that everyone would obey including them, because they had grown in numbers and in wealth, to be in competition with the Knighted Warriors. They owned land, they made money, and had all the food they needed. That was the result of man adopting civilized living. The whole of man and the way he did things and his society was reversed. The citizens demanded disarmament, forcing those who had the weapons to give them up. The ingrained gene that urged man to be the warrior and the killer was suppressed over time. Most of the rich maintained their wealth, but lost much of what they had at one time which enhanced their power over the people, and that was control and power over the commoner to a greater extent. But love of one's country remained at the forefront of a value system, and honor was also a valued trait. In its day it was well respected by everyone. An honest man held esteem in the eyes of his fellow man.

In all of nature, only mankind is led by the weaker species. The strongest lion has the pride until he can no longer maintain that position and is defeated by a more able opponent, who in turn, has his day in the sun. Today when the call to arms is sounded many of mankind will cower in their shelters and tremble because his artificial civilization, an invention of man, has taught him that it is better not to kill as his ancestors did in the past. His inner obligation of honor to his country is replaced by that fear or, contempt for it.

Today he is sent into battle and has the least to gain one way or the other from the outcome, and is usually the first killed, his leaders are behind directing the fight with radios, but safely sheltered from the mayhem and death. That his leaders are not out there with him in the middle of the battle is a pity, and the common warrior should demand they be there at the front of the battle with them. Also, love and respect for one's country has been relegated to a second place position in terms of value, being replaced by an attitude of what one can attain without regard for his fellow man or his home country. Behind the scenes the politicians were working to make sure they were recipients of more while the common man had less. They have forgotten they are public servants and think of themselves instead as special and privileged.

Today the soldier must console himself with medals for his actions, or a promotion, but his ancestors got to loot, plunder and carry off the women whose men from another country had the audacity to make war on his country or village. He also knew that when the trumpets sounded, he was going to get to do it again. Today, civilized man urinates his pants when the war drum starts to beat. Many men and women have lost honor for their countries and what their home country stands for. It is no longer in certain segments of a population an honor and a duty to fight for one’s country, or to defend it against foreign invasion by swarms of people, raping and pillaging their system. A system, put in place by those citizens who realized long ago, someday they would grow old and would need certain services to keep them comfortable and safe in their old age. Today those services have been plundered by people who have no honor for America, and have depleted those resources.

Humans learned to live in a civilized society that is an artificial shell and others do his fighting for him yet he abhors violence. He causes to be killed animals that feed him, vegetation that nourishes, clothes, and houses him. However, this activity most often won’t keep him from partaking of a juicy steak simply because something must die to enable the feast. Others incarcerate the thieves and the killers for him and although occasionally that is done by violent means, that seems to be condoned by him as long as he doesn’t have to do it himself. After all Anarchy is a system of rule where there are no laws and the people today have indeed adopted laws to deal with those who would live outside the law.

Civilization is an artificial shell wherein lives the modern man. The majority of today’s modern man cannot exist for long without his machines, conveniences, his cars, airplanes, and the many trappings of wealth that he covets for himself. When man reverts to that time still residing inside many of us again, wherein civilization breaks down and he loses all that made his life comfortable, he becomes what he really is, the greatest killer that has ever roamed the planet. He will come forward to embrace the life that will exist once again, for all of humanity without the artificial constraints of a civilized society, when all that we know and depend on ends. It is on that day, man will stop behaving like sheep. One thing will remain however, and that is honor among men and women, a sense of doing those things that have value and are worthy of dying for in order to ensure those values endure. Our civilization may crumble, but how people perceive what is good in their hearts is passed on to their surviving children will be a valuable trait passed on to those who live past the strife and turmoil.

It is important we all understand there are still wolves among us, even unto to this very day and it behooves us to remember the sheep are only safe when the wolves are not hungry.


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