samedi 15 août 2020

Hard Work, but you can do it too

Default Hard Work, but you can do it too

I generally stay off these sites anymore, instead just slipping in from time to time to see what is happening on the threads. Now, after early retirement, I can take what has been a lifetime of prepping and survivalism to a full time occupation. As societal instability seems to precipitately increase, both here in the United States and globally, the focus of my wife and I is to stock an additional 20% or so of food and supplies above what has become our usual stores for winter. Our own belief is that if anarchy comes it is far less likely to be one cataclysmic event. Rather the TEOTWAWKI will more likely be the result of a progression of events, one building upon the others. Unfortunately given the present state of world affairs, the odds of such an evolution it appears are not in our favor (paraphrasing a line of a popular movie). But then those are my beliefs and not necessarily the opinion of everyone here.
Between milking the Jersey and feeding her calf, picking, washing, and sorting produce for market Saturday on a separate property, and then picking purple hulls for seed (3rd picking) and picking okra here most of the day has been spent. The cucumbers have been picked and pruned and select tomatoes are set aside for seed for next year. Tomorrow is already earmarked for additional picking of produce and picking another large Crowder pea plot. This one, an old heirloom, was grown for some 40 years prior by my great aunt. Its seed kept and protected from year to year for four decades. Its huge production and unique flavor make it a protected asset. An heirloom bean grown by the family of one of our market customers for many years was given to us grown this year. It has proven to be another delicious winner, its seed to be harvested in the coming week. Tomorrow and Friday my lovely wife will be immersed in the routine of baking bread for market, any unsold to be commandeered for our own table. By weekend we will likely resume our butter making activities. And hopefully I will be able to finish the new chicken tractor this week, which is a blessing as the new pullets are ready. The extra roosters to be sacrificed to be canned as deboned meat and also broth.
Our life is anything but boring. Newscasts of government bodies voting to “rid” themselves of their police departments, to be replaced with…? As a former LEO, good luck with that. It is my hope that the families within these areas can stock up on ammo. COVID has followed the course I expected. As a RN of 31 years, and a former Infection Control, scarcely a week goes by that my wife does not hear, “I said it would do that”. In spite of all the various opinions and rhetoric, Covid 19 has been fairly predictable and followed the general course of a coronavirus…but given it has a much higher infectivity, much broader symptomology, and much higher case fatality rate. There have really been no surprises there. BTW-my predictions of many of the related events regarding COVID 19 were made in March, before the virus had made much of presence in CONUS.
Regardless of the winner in November (elections), a volatile and likely violent evolution seems a real possibility. The only question seems to be, to what degree this will occur or to put it another way, how widespread it might be. I wonder how many more elements would need to occur to push us over the edge. I ruminate on, how such a pampered society will remotely survive if anarchy does occur. A bunch of whining crybabies, their 401K’s gone, no place to eat out, no antidepressants or heaven forbid…Xanax for their anxiety. Medicare and Medicaid will certainly be out the window, as will likely any significant organized health care. That is another level of concern for something as simple as a tick bite, at least when the horded stores of antibiotic run out, could be life altering or fatal. Still, the middle of the country is a good place to hunker down, but then I grew up here. That said, I will return to the shadows, quietly watching the threads. It is my hope this will encourage individuals and families to continue their preps, to remain vigilant, to soldier on. Good luck to all, and my God bless.

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Hard Work, but you can do it too

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