jeudi 20 août 2020

How Many Gun Owners Vote?

You may not care about politics, but rest assured, politics cares about you....and your guns.

Foolish to stand on the sidelines and think you will be safe. You will not be safe.

Edit: to clarify. Think of the various bans, licensing regimes, limitations, waiting periods, etc that have been instituted in various states (and other countries like the UK). Do we think that those laws only applied to the people who voted? I think we understand that notion is silly. They applied to everyone, voters, non-voters, and the yet unborn who one day might vote. They affect everyone in that jurisdiction. So don't think that ignoring the problem makes it go away.

Edmund Burke once said: "History is a pact between the dead, the living, and the yet unborn." And we are living it today. Choose wisely.

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How Many Gun Owners Vote?

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